and provide bespoke and individually tailored therapy solutions and treatments for all his clients, as no client, problem or issue is the same.
Below you’ll find Michael’s 3 Most Popular Therapy Sessions derived from over 20 years experience in the field of emotional, neurological, physical and psychological disorders and their solutions. Michaels therapies and treatments also have a massive impact on improving your health, lifestyle and wellbeing.
Most Popular Therapies & Treatments
Balance Session – £185 (1 hour)
’s most popular session. Your typical 1 hour Therapy session but with a difference, as Michael gets Rapid Results. Regardless of your problem or issue, no matter how big or small, this must be identified and eliminated.
Michael has seen every problem you can imagine from addiction, anxiety, panic attacks, stress to weight problems, plus so much more, and these therapy sessions will easily and effortlessly eliminate and remove the problem, permanently.
With a plethora of therapies and treatment disciplines at his disposal, Michael combines and tailors these for your particular issue, be it Thought Field Therapy, NLP, Hypnotherapy, Psychotherapy, Toxin Testing, etc, the outcome is always postive with an elimination of the cause and a rebalance of mind and body.
A minority of people are concerned about the effects of hypnosis due to media misinterpretation, and the positve affects of hypnosis are completely misconstrued. However you are under no pressure to experience the profoundly powerful positive affects of hynotherapy as this is just one of the tools in Michaels arsenal of therapies. Book your consultation now, so Michael can establish the root of your problem and begin to rapidly remove it.
Turn your Life Around with the Balance Session – £185 (1 hour session)
Take back full control of your life and leave the old you in the past Contact us Now for a no obligation discussion of this particular therapy
Breakthrough Session – £950 (1 Day session)
Looking to Take Control of Your Life in one complete session? The Breakthrough Session will change your life, literally in 1 day. Detailed, Intensive and Complete… But ultimately giving you the outstanding results to Take Charge of Your Life.
Maybe you’re feeling anxious, fearful, stressed or you need a big shift in your thinking patterns to help you achieve more, enjoy life more and participate more in life’s adventures.
When working with a client having a Breakthrough Session, Michael first takes a detailed history to enable clues to surface that will lead to the causes of, and to find the glue that holds your problems and issues together.
These emotional, psychological and physical clues (symptoms) are present for a reason and are ultimately telling you that immediate change is required. Using key techniques, technologies and methodologies Michael will identify what needs to change, to give you exactly what you want from therapy.
Then using a synergy of profoundly powerful therapies and treatments Michael will remove the problem, its glue and your resitance to change, enabling immediate transformation to occur.
Turn your Life Around with a Breakthrough Session
Take Charge of Your Life and allow Transformation to happen Contact us Now for a no obligation discussion of this particular therapy
1 Hour Stop Smoking Cessation Session – (1 hour) + 15 Month Guarantee
Stop Smoking in 1 hour! The Solution is Here, Right Now in . and can and will guarantee that you stop smoking for good.
With thousands of clients testimonials to this fact, from all walks of life, from the general public, to high profile celebrities and sports stars, they come to Michael for one reason… he gets Results, Fast! So if you are addicted to smoking cigarettes and wish to Stop Smoking here’s your chance.
Regardless of how long you have smoked and how many cigarettes you smoke per day, month or year, Michael can remove your smoking habit with ease and give you the mental edge to remain ‘smoke free’ for life.
A smoker who smokes just 1 pack of 20 cigarettes a day can spend up to £2,500+ a year funding their habit.
In just 1 hour, Michael will easily and effortlessly, rapidly remove your smoking habit, using profoundly powerful and non-invasive techniques, technologies and methodologies. What will it mean to your health and your finances to quit smoking forever? More quality time with your loved ones? Better finances?
A Stop Smoking session with Michael will last for 1 hour and is a one-off investment of £350.
Michael’s success rate is well documented having treated the general public, celebrities and even pop stars over the last 15 years. Your therapy session is backed by a ’15 month’ guarantee. If during the next 15 months after your treatment you go back to smoking again, you may return to the Harley Street or Kensington clinic to be re-treated by Michael.
This is the best Risk-Free guarantee in the industry today and made possible by the phenomenal success rate Michael has acheived helping scores of smokers kick their habit safely, effectively and permanently.
Stop Smoking and Take Control Of Your Life
Take Control of your life and Stop Smoking Now Contact us Now for a no obligation discussion of this particular therapy
Stop Smoking?
You’ve tried everything to Stop Smoking; Gum, Patches, Will Power, but you just lack that motivation required to quit smoking. Face the truth with this fun tool and take that important first step. Get the Motivation Now to kick your Smoking Habit for Good!
Try the Stop Smoking Motivator now
Are You Toxic?
You’ve tried various therapies and seen a long list of therapists, yet you still feel ill. We are all exposed to Toxins on a daily basis and avoiding these is not easy or always possible. Give this fun Toxin Test a try and see what Toxic surprises may be lurking in your mind and body.
Take the Toxin Test now
Feel Stressed?
You’ve tried various vitamins, supplements & medication, yet you still feel stressed. Try this fun Stress Test and Discover exactly how stressed you really are.
Take the Stress Test now
Book Your Session Securely Online
Online session booking is now available! You are just 3 simple steps from Taking Control of Your Life and getting everything you desire.
Michael has seen every conceivable emotional, psychological and physical problem, no matter how big or small. So whatever your problem or issue, and no matter how long you have suffered, their is a fast and simple solution to help you regain control of your mind and body.
Book Session Now
Take Change Of Your Life Now
Start your life transformation with these Profoundly Powerful, yet Fun Tools.
Click the links above to access the tools or Contact us Now for more information.
Problems & Solutions
The Anatomy of a Problem
Thinking is the problem, so to quiet the mind is the solution. However your problem has many potential causes that need to be identified, and eliminated in order for the mind and body to regain balance and control. Anxiety, Fear, Lifestyle, Stress, Stimulants, Toxins, etc, all may have a role to play in your current health and wellbeing.
Ultimately we learn how to become addicted, anxious, depressed, ill, stressed [fill in the blank here with your own problem], as your natural ability to cope is severly under threat and as a result your innate coping strategy breaks down. Your proverbial (life dustbin) is full and overflowing, there is no space left for the stresses in life to be processed and dealt with, and as a result breakdown in your systems occur. This can hit you pretty hard and the message ultimately is, that you need to make changes by finding the root casue and problem, or continue to slip further into ill health and disease.
When we learn to become anxious, concerned, fearful, worried, etc, this is highly intensified in the nervous system, sympathetic and parasympatheic regions and this has a domino affect on your neurology (nervous system), psychology (mental state) and then your physiology (physical symptoms) hence why you feel so bad!
Common Issues & Problems
Whatever your individual addiction, problem or issue and however long you have suffered david has seen it and destroyed its very existance using a synergy or rapid resolution and profoundly powerful techniques. As all therapy sessions are treated in the strictest of confidence you have absolutely nothing to be ashamed, embarassed, concerned, guilty or worried about.
Michael can transform your mind and body bringing it back to balance, easily and effortlessly enabling you to take control and live the life you desire. As a master practioner and elite analytical hypnotherapist / psychotherapist Michael works with clients from all works of life, which will enable you to quickly remove and let go off addictions, anxieties, fears, limiting beliefs, panic disorders and phobias plus many more problems and issues.
Here is a brief list of the specific issues and their treatments available from and :
Anxiety or Panic Attacks, Panic Disorder, Depression, a Specific Phobia, Insomnia, Stress, OCD, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, PSD, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, Emotional Trauma, Hypertension, Hyperventilation, Irrational Fears & Thoughts, IBS, Grief, Shyness, Guilt, Sadness, Shame, Hurt, Addictions and Substance Abuse, Inner Conflict, Eating Discorders. Plus many more issues or problems, where psychological forces are involved, whatever your problem or issue Michael has a fast and effective simple solution.
Therapies and Treatments available from
NLP, Neuro Linguistic Programming, Clinical Analytical Hypnotherapy, Psychotherapy, Neuro Linguistic Programing, TFT Dx,RCT. Diagnostic, Thought Field Therapy, Time Line Therapy®, EFT, Emotional Freedon Technique, Hypnotherapy , CBT, Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, Gold Counselling. REIKI Attunements, EMDR, Eye Movement Desensitization & Reprocessing.
Remove Your Problems & Take Control Of Your Life Now
Change your life with these Profoundly Powerful Therapies and Treatments.
For more information about our Sessions, Therapies & Treatments Contact us Now