Weight Loss is an important goal for many people in the modern culture. Food is abundant for many in industrialised nations. Yet the food choices are often not healthy ones. Also, people have become more sedentary in their activities. These factors contribute to today’s epidemic of obesity.
Once people realise that they have become overweight or obese, their first reaction is often to rush to popular Weight Loss products. Finding a Weight Loss pill, Weight Loss shakes, or rapid Weight Loss diet seems to be a perfect answer. They believe that they can shed the weight as quickly as they wish without any bad effects.
These people want to avoid the types of problems that occur because of overweight and obesity. Health problems are too numerous to mention, but include heart problems, diabetes, back troubles, and joint pain. People also want to have an attractive appearance. Some airlines insist that obese passengers purchase two tickets in order to take a flight. Being obese is unhealthy, undesirable, inconvenient, and costly.
Weight Loss Hypnotherapy is designed to help people make life-changing decisions about their eating and activity habits. It is not enough to go on a quick Weight Loss diet and go back to old ways. People must remake their lives so that they can not only lose weight but also maintain their healthy weight.
Many people are good at handing out Weight Loss tips. Incredibly, some of these people are obese themselves. Tips may tell shortcuts around sensible ways of Weight Loss. Other tips may actually be helpful in learning new attitudes towards food. One such tip is to drink plenty of water when trying to lose weight. This is a healthful suggestion, and one that can be maintained over time.
Hypnosis can be used in Weight Loss to alter eating or activity habits. For example, a hypnotic suggestion might be to eat slowly. This allows the person to enjoy food more and to feel full after eating a smaller amount.
For Weight Loss Hypnotherapy to be highly effective would require working with you three times over a three week span, with each session lasting approx. 1 hour and at an investment of £180 per session.
Upon your completion of the 3 sessions you are also provided with a complimentary *Gastric Band Hypnosis CD by Michael as a special gift (value £35).
To further ensure the success of your Weight Loss, upon completion of your 3 sessions, Michael will provide you with a professionally recorded Gastric Band Hypnosis CD (value of £35). The results will simply astound you. This 50-minute recorded hypnosis will allow you to achieve the very same results of Gastric Band Surgery without the need for painful surgery and will help you maintain your new and healthy lifestyle.
This audio hypnosis CD can be listened to at your computer, at bed-time or in your spare time.
The CD was produced by , who has successfully helped thousands of clients over the last 15 years using hypnosis.
Take Control Of Your Life with Weight Loss
Change Your Life Today using Weight Loss Therapy Contact us Now for a no obligation discussion of this particular therapy
Another hypnotic suggestion offered in hypnotherapy Weight Loss sessions may be that sadness cannot be cured by eating. Once the person’s unconscious mind gets this message, a great deal of overindulgence may stop. The same type of suggestion can be made for any emotion that prompts eating for the person, including boredom, anxiety, or anger.
Healthy Weight Loss ordinarily includes an increase in physical activity. Some people want to take a stroll or a jog around the park. Others prefer to work with free weights or participate in aerobic training courses. As long as the person gets up and moves, the weight is likely to begin falling off of them.
Weight Loss Hypnosis helps in this regard by including such suggestions to the client. The hypnotherapist might suggest that the person enjoys moving his or her body. The therapist may suggest that the person feels good after a difficult workout. Another suggestion might be that the person will look better after exercising. The nice thing is that all of these statements can be true.
Those who are searching for fast Weight Loss diets are looking for a quick fix. They do not want to commit to permanent changes. This is the mistake people need to correct if they are to reach and stay at a natural weight. Lasting change is the only way to reach true Weight Loss success.
A Weight Loss pill solves nothing. People who use the Weight Loss pills may experience immediate success in the short run. The pills usually do not continue to have an effect after a long period of time, especially if the person is not motivated to change anything. What is more, Weight Loss pills are often dangerous. Some Weight Loss products have been linked to heart disorders, for example.
Even if people have Weight Loss surgery, they must still learn to eat properly and to incorporate physical activity into their lives. Otherwise, the surgery will be unsuccessful. For this reason, it makes sense to use all the Weight Loss resources that are available. Weight Loss Hypnosis can have a major effect on the outcome of Weight Loss surgery.
Weight Loss treatment is a partnership. There is no way, short of imprisonment, that people can be forced to follow a diet or exercise. That is why the Hypnotherapist must work together with a client to discover incorrect habits of eating.
Healthy Weight Loss depends on a decision on the part of the overweight or obese person to make all the changes necessary. It means that the person must make lasting changes rather than doing a rapid Weight Loss quick fix. Michael’s techniques are highly effective, but the client must also make the commitment for the treatment to be successful.
For the therapy to be successful Michael would need to see you for three sessions over a three week period, each session will last around 1 hour and is an investment of £180 per session.
Upon completing the 3 sessions you also receive a Gastric Band CD from Michael as a special gift (worth £35).
To further ensure your Weight Loss therapy is successfull, upon completion of your 3 sessions, Michael will give you a professionally-recorded *Gastric Band Hypnosis CD (value of £35). The results will amaze you. This 50 minute recorded hypnosis, will allow you to achieve the same results of Gastric Band Surgery without going under the knife and will help you to stay on course with your new and healthy lifestyle.
This audio hypnosis CD can be listened to at your computer, at bed-time or in your spare time.
The CD was produced by , who has successfully helped thousands of clients over the last 15 years using hypnosis.